ABOUT ME -this contains information about me and my family

CLASSES -this contains the grading scale, syllabus, and lesson plans for each class (click on your student's individual class and you will find all this information

PARENTAL INFORMATION -this contains letter about me, calculator rental, and parental data form that is sent home with the students at the beginning of the year

ST. MARY'S SCHOOL  -this will take you to the St. Mary School homepage

EMAIL -this will bring up an e-mail box so that you can e-mail me

RULES -this is a list of the rules that are being enforced in my classroom.

FREE Money Brigade -this shows you ways that you can earn money for our school all year long.  January is a month of contest for grades K-6 but we will also be saving these things in my room!!!

Announcements-this has a list of all the upcoming tests/quizzes in each class

Wish List:  pencils, batteries (AAA), SmartBoard portable tablet, View Screen package for graphing calculators, Geometry Sketchpad software, Math Games, and Math Books.

The St. Mary Mathematics Department believes that our students deserve and need the best mathematics education possible, one that enables them to fulfill personal ambitions and career goals in an ever-changing world. Those who understand and can do mathematics will have significantly enhanced opportunities and options for shaping their futures.

To engage in the wonder of a child is to engage in the wonder of us all.









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